Legal information


Company details:

Advocatenkantoor Vanhemelrijck
Bergstraat 54
1910 Kampenhout
The enterprise number and VAT number: 0436 606 995

Professional liability

The civil professional liability of the lawyers from our office, is covered by a collective insurance policy underwritten by AMLIN Europe NV. The geographical cover of the insurance is worldwide, with the exception of the United States of America and Canada. The broker is Vanbreda Risk & Benefits.
Professional rules and codes of conduct

Professional rules & Codes of Conduct

Our lawyers are registered with the Dutch Brussels Bar (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten te Brussel). They are subject to the regulations of the Flemish Bar Association (Orde van Vlaamse Balies).

Information or complaints

For further information or complaints, please contact our office:
                  By post:                Bergstraat 54, 1910 Kampenhout
                  By phone:             02/721.14.14
                  By mail: